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Private Equity

Private Equity

Private equity is strategic investments / partnerships made by accredited investors or firms in private companies on behalf of institutional and accredited investors with the goal of acquiring ownership, driving operational improvements, and ultimately realizing significant returns. This form of investment often entails active management, restructuring, and value creation, making it a potent avenue for fostering growth, innovation, and profitability within non-public enterprises. Private equity investors typically seek opportunities across diverse sectors, leveraging their expertise and capital to propel companies to catalyze transformative growth, innovation, and greater success. Private equity investments are generally made in later stage companies, and terms generally last between 7-10+ years.

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Decorative element: a white triangle with a blue accent.
Decorative element: a white triangle with a blue accent.

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Bennett Jordan

Managing Partner

Litney Partners, LLC
747 Third Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY  10017